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Image by Sawyer Bengtson


Founded in 2005, the Cook County Simulation Training Center was established within the Department of Emergency Medicine by Dr. Michelle Sergel who now serves as the Director of Simulation at Cook County.  The Center has grown to provide access to simulation-based medical education for all the medical professionals of the Cook County Hospitals and Health System
including Provident Hospital and Cermak Jail. Since 2012, Dr. Michelle Sergel is also the Executive Medical Director for the Rush Center for Clinical Skills and Simulation, thus providing a symbiotic
relationship between these two staff groups and all equipment and services. In 2020, Dr. Ashlea Winfield was named as the Associate Medical Director. As the Associate Director of the Cook County Simulation Center, she directs simulation-based education for emergency medicine residents with a focus on
procedural competency and using simulation to teach topics in diversity, equity, justice, and inclusion.


The Cook County Simulation Center now utilizes high-fidelity mannequins and task trainers to provide hands-on experience for all the departments at Cook County Hospital. In 2018, the Simulation Center moved to the new Cook County Professional building and includes two large simulation rooms with adjacent control rooms and multiple large debrief rooms
where the simulations can be observed and critiqued.  The expanded space allows for all simulation-based activities and all American Heart Association (AHA) credentialing for the
hospital system. (If any AHA certification questions, please email -


The Cook County Simulation Training Center is an integrated simulation center that utilizes a wide variety of simulation modalities including procedural skills task trainers, high-fidelity mannequins and standardized patients for all medical employees of the Cook County Health and Hospital system.


We are committed to using these emerging technologies to create a comprehensive educational healthcare simulation program with a focus on inter-professional healthcare teams as well as on individual practitioners to achieve the highest level of care for the patients of Cook County and beyond.



University of Chicago Affliate

The University of Chicago Medical Simulation Fellowship is based at NorthShore University HealthSystem in Evanston, IL. NorthShore's Simulation Lab called the Grainger Center for Simulation and Innovation (GCSI) was originally started by Dr. Ernie Wang and Dr. Morris Kharasch in the early 2000s.


It has since grown into a  state-of-the-art, 13,000 square foot facility at NorthShore Evanston Hospital. It was specifically designed to be a  multispecialty, multidisciplinary simulation center. Here, two programs provide complementary and collaborative health care education, training and research opportunities.

  • NorthShore's world-class Medical Simulation Program is actively improving patient care, reducing healthcare costs and improving outcomes through innovative medical scenario simulation.

  • The Surgical Simulation Program is a leading-edge surgical training and innovation program that provides an expert resource for surgeons to train in established minimally invasive methods, and to develop and test new techniques and procedures.


GCSI uses simulation to help healthcare practitioners improve their clinical performance, reduce errors, and refine their teamwork and communication skills using a variety of simulation modalities including task trainers, human patient simulators, virtual reality and standardized patient actors.
The unique combination at GCSI of medicine and surgery allows for a new level of collaboration beyond most programs. The multidisciplinary lab encourages communication between a variety of specialties, providing enhanced knowledge and a ready dialogue to develop new applications for medical techniques.

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The best way to learn is by doing. But in medicine, a novice can’t simply jump into a complex case. The Rush Center for Clinical Skills and Simulation bridges that gap by offering students, residents, fellows and clinicians state-of-the-art, including high-fidelity manikins that breathe, bleed and otherwise simulate just about everything a real human patient would do.

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Training takes place in procedure rooms that replicate the real facilities in Rush’s hospital building and utilizes human patient simulators that replicate patient signs, symptoms and conditions. A control room allows faculty to observe the details of the training scenario unfold.

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Our simulation center gives trainees and clinicians from across multiple disciplines one place to hone their skills, practice crisis management and conduct research on a wide array of medical circumstances, from the everyday to the rare. Training sessions are digitally recorded, allowing students to review video of their work in nearby debriefing rooms or to have their work evaluated by others.

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The facility was established in 2002 through the direction of founding members David M. Rothenberg, MD, and Margaret Faut-Callahan, PhD, and a generous bequest from the estate of Alverin M. Cornell. New technology is added regularly. Rush University is also a member of the Chicago Simulation Consortium.

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Loyola is home to the Center for Simulation Education, which encompasses several distinct facilities, largest of which is the 7,000 square foot Walgreen Family Virtual Hospital. It was built in 2012 and is used by a variety of programs within Loyola Medical Center, as well as by Loyola’s Medical, Nursing, and Public Health schools. Our selection of high-fidelity manikins can be used in our six simulation resuscitation bays, allowing for multiple simulations to run simultaneously.

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In addition to high-fidelity simulation, multiple medical specialties, including Emergency Medicine, use our simulation center and equipment for procedural and OSCE training in our Advance Procedure Education Center (APEC) and Selfridge Clinical Skills Center, all of which is accessible to our fellows, depending on their specific interests. Within the APEC, our fellows have access to VR, Oculus, and Smart Glasses, allowing for exploration of new and upcoming technologies in the field of simulation.

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Our Emergency Medicine residents use our simulation center bi-weekly, which provides ample opportunities to teach and debrief with EM trainees. Simulation electives offered for both our residents and medical students fosters simulation-specific mentorship within our center. Additionally, Loyola houses both paramedic and EMT training programs, giving interested fellows the opportunity to work with EMS trainees. We also have faculty development sessions to round out training opportunities for all levels of learners.

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Our Director of Simulation, Dr. Trent Reed, also serves as an Assistant Dean for Simulation Education and Chair of the Department of Medical Education at the Stritch School of Medicine. The scale of Dr. Reed’s experience increases opportunities for our fellows to gain significant exposure to medical student education and curriculum development. Loyola’s Center for Simulation Education has experienced staff, which provides a rich learning environment for fellows to learn more about simulation center management, technology, moulage, and other hands-on skills.

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Chicago, IL, USA

©2017 by Chicago Simulation Fellowship Collaborative. Last Update 2022. Proudly created with

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